The Hipsters are pleased to meet you.
We are about songs over celebrity, substance over style,
broad identity over the narrow niche.
We are situated where music meets words. We hope ideas...
can change the world. We write metaphysical songs.
There is some of that peace and justice stuff, but it may surprise you.
There is that search for the invisible, the other side, the over there, the eternal.
It's religious.
The Hipsters are collaboration, a surprising harmony of two composers
who rarely write together but somehow identify closely with each others songs.
The Hipsters have been supported and inspired by like-minded musicians
who have added to the sound, and helped deliver the content.
The Hipsters are performers who feel the great privilege of playing for those
who hear the songs but have intruded little or not at all beyond the musical boundaries.
Thank you.
We are not young. We have a foot in the 60s, an orphaning in the 70s,
a resume in the 80s, a steeping in the 90s,
and maybe a cheerful vengeance in the new millennium.
We're happy to share it all with you.